Friday, October 1, 2010


从小家里穷家里小孩又多,阿公又走的早,阿嫲一个女人得做好几分工才能维持生计。年长的兄弟姐妹都只好出去工做。。 而我爸也只好给他外婆领养。

我爸十几岁开始就跟着一位炒粿條的大头手盘粿條。。 他更我说当年还有另外两名伙计,但老爸做不到三个月很快的就升为头手(更我说时还给我一个超骄傲的表情)这使得做了三年的伙计“伟良”感到很不愉快,所以想办法要害我老爸。 话说当年的烧饭工具不是像现在的煤气炉,而是用炭火。头手也不用自己烧火而是伙计帮忙烧的。 伟良就故意趁烧火时把火给烧大,目的是要害我老爸炒粿條时粿條烧焦。

是的话就要炒快一点“ 他把伟良所做的事告诉老爸, 最后老爸不但没有被伟良的诡计得逞还练得一手好炒法。

就这样过了几年后政府要外面“跑地咕”的搬到建好的店面去卖,但是生意始终不是很好最后老板没办法只好炒了我老爸。。。 可是这位老板实在是太好了, 他问我老爸:你要不要自己出来做? 当年的老爸才十五六岁懵懵懂懂的根本不知道老板问这个问题是什么意思便问:要又这样,不要有这样?? 老板回答:要的话我帮你找一个好地点让你自己做老板,不要的话你就只好到外面打工我没办法在请你了。我老爸便回答:好咯。。 试试看咯,可是我现在没有钱要怎么卖?? 老板很有义气的说:哎呀。 钱不是问题如果你真的有心要做你可以到我的仓库拿炒粿條的货, 等你赚了钱了再还我吧。。(这老板简直是佛心来的,我老爸更我说到这你是眼睛都红了)虽然老板已近过世了。。 但我还是希望他的家人能身体健康, 事事顺利。。

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bad Hair Cut...

Yst as usual went to er gu hse for family meeting.. just reach nia then jia and winnie say wanna go for hair treatment and hair cut @ salon below ah ma hse, say very cheap and er gu jus went for colouring which cost only $30+haircut & treatment. so they ask me to go with them lor... since i got ntg to do there so follow them there....(regret!!) actually i dun really wanna cut my hair, jus wanna trim my fringe.. but in the end ..haiz...

that china woman is sooo..soo.. kao bei lor.. keep toking so loud... kao... firstly there was no one in the salon.. and she was watching dvd in the salon... then when we reach she keep asking us to sit down when we haven even decide weather to cut anot.

after tat she help jia to do treatment first, then follow by winnie to have her hair cut. she super fast lor.. like no need to see just any how cut.. and winnie tell her "wah.. u cut very fast leh, i'm abit scare"
shes still can reply: (in her very china tone)"这没洒.. 我在中国啊.. 有时人多时我都一个人这么剪..熟能生巧吗..习惯了" still thinking we are phraising her.. omg...

then after tat follow by me...
she ask me if what hair style i wan , then i jus tell her i want to trim my fringe and back abit, she keep toking like machine gun again... "我跟你说啊小姑娘.. 你有个瓜子脸..我帮你把前面修短..然后修薄, 露出你那小脸蛋 就很漂亮啦... 刚才你进来时我都不知道你是男是女呢(and i only wear a tee and pant)omg..
as usual after had a very speedy hair cut from her, i was so angry when i saw the mirror.. as this is not the style i wan... then winnie ask me u like anot.. ok ma.. not bad. i was like..
(my OS )" pi lor.. where nice is soo boyish... and my fringe is damn short.. " nearly fainted...
but due that the china woman still there, so i show her face jus say.. "emm... a bit boy leh..."

Wah... that woman very 激动.. her hand still washing Jia's hair, stil can turn and reply our two de conversation.. " Boy 个屁勒.. 这在中国是很流行的.. 那会boy啊.. 那会boy啊.. 如果你相信我.. 我跟你说啊你回来找我.. 我帮你做几条highlight.. 那就美翻了..

(my OS again) 我这么可能在相信你啊..

then after cutting she help me wash my hair.. wah... is like we were dunno wat animal like that.. super 用力lor.. still massage my neck.. i faster ask her to stop lor.. or else my neck will break into half...
i say: aunty.. 很 .. 很痛.. 你可以轻一点吗?
china woman: 痛..那我跟你说啊.. 你睡的不好才会痛..
omg..(my os) 我可没有想要跟你聊头痛的意思啊... 只是想请你轻一点而已啊....大姐....

**due that there's too much things gng on yst.. will follow up later... went for my lunch first.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010



Friday, April 30, 2010

After Kiss from D Sun 2wks ago...

Afterback from my memorable phuket trip, it's time for me to continue with my boring life... exam coming"again" .... is on june... Please ..please buck up Miss Caryl!!!! stop being so so Lazy.... please study hard... Yeah, this is what i'm telling my mind... but looks like she is very stubborn.... haha..... Really miss those days in Phuket... so fun .... i like the Sun... the sea.... if can stay longer at the beach , it will be better...

i really dunno what i want to do after five years.. these few days keep thinking this question... one of my colleagues had recommend me for a part time job for her fren as manicurist... it sounds tempting... i really can't continue my this way of living... $$ is really impt.. was always thinking of earning buck of $$ since i'm young.. so that when i'm old i can have a better life.... my current pay is really tooo.. low la.. can't even have saving.... haizz.. anyway.. i think this question will continue to be in my mind... really got to find one day do ntg at home, and think about this question again.......